Product Registration Software

Streamline Product Registration Process With 1-Click Software

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Product registration software to get first-party data

World's #1
1-Click Product Registration Software

Customers expect delightful and frictionless experiences from brands. We enable just that. No more Manual Leaflets or Long Website Forms.

‍1-Click Product Registration Software

1-1 Personalized Post Sales Experience

Manual inserts & Website forms, lead to low registrations.
Our product registration/warranty registration software enables more Signups.

Social Integrations

Use quick single Sign-ons like Google, True caller, popular with your users.

Verified Data

Collect verified emails and Phone Numbers of your Customers.

Dynamic Forms

Customize forms & collect first-party data relevant for your business.

eWarranty Cards

Send Warranty registration cards to your customers on their preferred channel. Be it Email, SMS, WhatsApp...

Customer CDP

Manage all the data in one place. Collect, Segment & Personalize.

Seamless Integration

Quickly integrate with your favorite marketing communication tool with our flexible rest APIs.

Built with Customer First Approach for growing retail brands

Inbuilt Social Integrations with product registration software

Inbuilt Social Integrations

Using our inbuilt integrations with social systems, let your users not worry about forgetting passwords, and allow them a seamless way to access branded post-sales experience.

This will ensure:
☑️ User to not remember passwords.
☑️ Quick access to their profile.
☑️ Higher brand engagement.
☑️ High Customer Satisfaction.

Multi-Channel Communication

Our Product Registration / Warranty Registration Software provides communication to your customers on their most used digital channel. We support multiple channels, including email, iMessage, SMS, and WhatsApp among others…

This will ensure:

☑️ Your customer will not miss any brand communication.
☑️ Let customers find your communication whenever they are in need.
☑️ Increased chances of upselling / cross selling other brand offerings.

Multi channel communication using product registration software
Increase ecommerce sales using product registration software

Bring third party buyers to your eCommerce

Customers buy your products from multiple channels be it from offline retail or marketplaces. It is important for them to know that they can buy directly from the brand's ecommerce store.

We provide your customers to instantly buy from the brands store, right after their warranty registration process.

This leads to
- Increased revenue with $0 spent.
‍- Better Margins and high Profitability.
- New Product Launch Feedback.

Secure Data. You own it.

We use bank-grade security to produce the first party data collected on the platform.

Consent from the customer is taken before storing any data of the customer,.

Also, we are the custodian, data collected is owned by the brand, and is never shared with any third party (in any case).

Secure your customer data with product registration software

Connect with your favourite
marketing apps

Built to integrate with any of your marketing or CRM apps you use every day.
Integrate with tools that you already use and optimize your post sales offers in order to
Increase Conversions and Maximize Revenue.

List of Integrations →

Desktop and Mobile illustration

Helping 100s of brands drive eCommerce Revenue

Don't take our word for it.

We not only help increase Registrations but also provide a delightful Post Sales experience.


Consumers Connected

Upto 28%

increase in repeat sales


Product Registration than
any other system

Helping 100s of brands grow.

Executive Director, Syska LED Lights
They have helped us a big way in implementing paperless warranty solutions for our brand. They have great technology, and the implementation & integration set up was really quick

CEO, Flo Mattress
We were looking for a technically strong solution, and Dryect certainly stood up to our requirements. It eased consumer interactions and automated the warranty claims process.
Co-Founder, Cockatoo
Our after-sales support team loves Dyrect, & uses the software to manage all our warranties & customer communication. The best part is they provide a ready-to-use application for our customers to view their product warranties.
The solution is very useful in getting the customer to register and avail warranty, and also it's very easy for us as sellers to monitor the warranty registrations and claims.

We know you have a lot of questions.
We tried to cover most of them

What kind of companies can use this solution?
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Who owns the customer data collected via the platform?
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Our manufacturing is done by a 3rd party OEM. Can we implement this?
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Is the solution in line with the rules that online marketplaces have?
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What if we already have a product registration page on our website?
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Where will the QR codes be printed?
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We use a CRM to manage customer queries. Can Dyrect be integrated?
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How quickly after onboarding, I can start using the system?
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Can the solution be customized as per my business process?
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Is serialized/ Unique codes mandatory for every item?
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Is Dyrect in accordance with various privacy laws across Europe and the USA?
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